general information (all of this seems to be for only 2D portfolios:
-lesson 1: we have to use photoshop to make something? What if we don’t have photoshop?
-lesson 2: diptychs and triptychs-- we need to make multi-paneled pieces
-lesson 3: composite street art
-lesson 4: synectic- making art through the process of problem solving. same thing as step 1 of criteria for a new project. How do we solve a visual problem with our art?
-lesson 5: make a magazine cover
-lesson 6: make an iconic character
-lesson 7: identity poster (?) somehow different than a self portrait
-lesson 8: demonstrate scale with card design
-lesson 9: make art showing concept of movement
-lesson 10: show growth/change of subject throughout concentration (???)
-I am super confused about all these sections. Are these elements which are required in the portfolio or just suggested lessons? A lot of vocabulary is used which I don’t know how to apply to art
2d Portfolio Examples:
-rubric values development of skill over time and deeper investigation into subject of concentration
-portfolios which demonstrate principles of design + elements of art get higher scores
-concentration must investigate a central question
Drawing Portfolio Examples:
-I am super confused because I thought 2d was centered around composition but these portfolios look like they have better composition?
Most useful information I found by looking at the definitions given on the rubric:
2D skills: use of two dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value, opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, figure/ground relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy
3D skills: use of three dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value, opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, figure/ground relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy
Drawing skills: use of mark-making, line, surface, space, light and shade, composition
Portfolio Overview: (question-----> do we need 15 or 20 images? seems like she says we need 15)
Portfolio has 2 parts:
- Sustained investigation (60%) 15 images→ must demonstrate inquiry
-5 images should be able to be sent in (should be finished pieces, 40%) (can be REPEATS FROM SUSTAINED INVESTIGATION??
writing portion: 1200 word max, explains inquiry and relation to pieces, experimentation, revision
writing for each piece: 100 word max ideas, materials, processes (needs ideas only in selected works)
-interesting/existential questions seem to be rewarded
-setting a common format can show experiment
-images can show process
-synthesis of ideas, materials and processes are rewarded